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What we do

We have a deep

committment to excellence in education. 

We believe that parents are the best possible teachers for their children and we believe in classical education. Classical education is timeless because this model of learning respects your child's natural development. It is not dependent on educational fads. Instead, we are entering the great conversations that have been going on since


Essentials is a dialectic- stage program for students in approximately grades four through six. Essentials classes meet from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm., after Foundations and a lunch break. Tutors model the grammar and dialctic tools of learning in English grammar, writing, and math drills. 

the beginning of time. In wisdom,we apply these truths to our own time and place. 

We believe in communities in which families can encourage one another to persue truth, goodness, and beauty.

Each week, trained tutors and experienced parents are available to mentor and encourage families who are new to homeschooling. Our communities offer three programs to meet the needs of children at all ages. 


Foundations is a grammar-stage morning program for students, K4 through sixth grade, who attend with their parents. In these dynamic classes, the tutors model the grammar-stage tools of learning: loading the facts from a variety of interesting subjects.






Challenge A and B are dialectic stage programs for seventh and eighth graders. Students develop independence and classes become more rigorous. Group discussions begin to play a larger role as students learn logic and debate. 

Challenge i, II, III, and IV, are rhetoric-stage programs that approximate grades nine through twelve. Students will draw upon all their grammar and dialectic skills as they dialogue and learn to lead the discussions. 

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